Award winning Landscape and Wildlife Painter
Portraits For NHS Heroes
The amazing staff of the NHS have always demonstrated true grit and resilience but the years 2020 and 2021 were more challenging than anyone could have imagined. Heading out to work during a pandemic, not knowing what they'll face next, takes a tremendous amount of courage. I was also working as a nurse in the community at the time and wanted to do something to honour the bravery and self sacrifice of my colleague's in the NHS, particularly those working in the hospitals as well as in the community and to share their stories. This series of portraits captures their strength and selflessness. These incredibly moving images, I hope will remind you to appreciate the critical work of these NHS heroes every day.

Portrait's for NHS Heroes
NHS Heroes Portrait Gallery
Click on the individual images to read their amazing contributions during the pandemic.

20cm x 20cm
Rachel has been working throughout the pandemic and doing extra shifts as a vaccinator to keep people safe.
She was nominated for a #portraitsfornhsheroes by her mum Ria.
Ria said:
"Rachel lost her dad at a young age which prompted her to become a nurse. She now works at the JPUH in Gorleston where she was born and her father passed away. I am incredibly proud of what she has done.
She has worked tirelessly through the pandemic. Her husband also works at the hospital but she has had to separate herself from and the two young boys to be able to work and keep her family safe.
She works non stop and now is taking on extra duties as a vaccinator as well as her own shifts. "
Rachel sent me some photos when she found out she was going to have her portrait painted. She wanted to include the Pfizer vaccine as she said her contribution as a vaccinator was what she was most proud of during the pandemic,

20cm x 20cm
Amy was nominated by Laura Brenner, a doctor she works with for her kindness and professionalism.

20cm x 20cm
Amy sent me such a lovely email explaining how wonderful William was it was portrait I couldn't say no to and was an honour to paint him.
Amy wanted to nominate him for his outstanding achievements during his career as a doctor and the impact he has had on training medical students and junior doctors over the years.
Amy said:
"We have a long standing doctor at the JPUH who is an anaesthetist called William. He taught most of us at medical school at the UEA and again throughout our training. He did some pioneering work into cannibis in pallitative care and is a well known pillar of the GOrleston community"
you can read more about this inspiring man who dedicated his life to improving patient care following the link below.

20cm x 20cm
I worked with Lorraine on the wards in hospital a long time ago before I moved to community nursing and nominated herself for a portrait. l
She was then a healthcare assistant and was really caring hard working lady. Brilliant with patients and their families. She kept the team together with her jokes and wry sense of humour. She was always the one to organise nights out and remember special events and birthdays. A lady with a big heart.

15cm x 15cm
Anne Marie was nominated by her Uncle Kevin Moreland who had seen one of my paintings on Sky News. He was proud of the work that she was doing and wanted a portrait for her. He sent me a photo of her at the end of 13 hour shift having to wear full PPE in ICU.
I really wanted to capture the weariness and exhaustion I saw in anne Marie's face. But also her determined , compassionate gaze. Such a powerful image and really shows the difficult conditions health care workers are having to cope with whilst caring for patients.

30cm x 30cm
Laura who also happens to be my daughter I painted at the beginning of the pandemic 3rd April 2020.
She sent me a photo of her in her PPE getting ready to treat a patient. Like lots of others she is brilliant and confident in her job but in the photo she sent me I could see apprehension in her gaze. She was the first portrait I painted prior to NHS health heroes. She was like so many others putting her life on the line to look after patients which was the inspiration behind this portrait.
You can see her getting her portrait in the video link

21cm x 29.7cm
Linda recently retired from nursing after an amazing 47 years of service.
She came back out of retirement during the pandemic to be a vaccinator for another year. so In total 48 years of long service!

21cm x 29.7cm
Linda recently retired from nursing after an amazing 47 years of service.
She came back out of retirement during the pandemic to be a vaccinator for another year. so In total 48 years of long service!

20cm x 20cm
Wendy Kimberley Art

20cm x 20cm
Wendy Kimberley Art

20cm x 20cm
Wendy Kimberley Art

15cm x 15cm
Wendy Kimberley Art

20cm x 20cm
Wendy Kimberley Art

20cm x 20cm
Wendy Kimberley Art

20cm x 20cm
Wendy Kimberley Art

20cm x 20cm
Wendy Kimberley Art

20cm x 20cm
Wendy Kimberley Art

20cm x 20cm
Wendy Kimberley Art

20cm x 20cm
Wendy Kimberley Art

20cm x 20cm
Wendy Kimberley Art

20cm x 20cm
Wendy Kimberley Art

20cm x 20cm
Wendy Kimberley Art

30cm x 30cm
Wendy Kimberley Art

20cm x 20cm
Wendy Kimberley Art